
3 way to get comfortable with being uncomfortable

This month I decided to challenge myself by joining a blog challenge. The challenge is to blog Monday-Friday for the entire month of July. When the challenge was announced last week I was like, wait.. what? Immediately all of these things popped up in my head. What about the kids? What about the house? You already have so much stuff to do. Yea that was my inner mean girl coming through. She was trying to stop me from starting something, hold me back from stretching myself. But I quickly quieted her down with a technique I’ve been learning in therapy.

First you identify which inner mean girl or bully is talking to you. This voice sounded a lot like self-doubt. In order to combat self doubt you have to remind yourself of all you have already accomplished. And so that’s exactly what I did. I bragged to myself about myself until I didn’t hear the voice anymore. Will this challenge be hard? Yes. Will this challenge take a lot out of me? Does it make me uncomfortable? Yes, but what’s wrong with being uncomfortable?

Sometimes we get comfortable doing and living life one way. We know what to expect, set up our routines, and just live life. But what I’ve learned on my self-love journey is that in order to grow to see the best version of ourselves we have to be comfortable with being uncomfortable. Taking risks, being pushed out of our comfort zone helps to unlock our full potential. Propel us to our next level. No one ever becomes great playing small which is why we need to stop. Here’s 3 ways that have helped me get comfortable with being uncomfortable

Just Start

The hardest part of anything new is just starting. Wether it’s learning a new skill, starting a new job, beginning that workout routine. They’re all hard why? Because we don’t know what to expect. That’s ok though, once you start you’ll be able to understand what’s on the other side. You’ll get a taste for it, a feel for it. Eventually you’ll realize that it wasn’t even that scary after all.

I want you to know when you try something new you don’t have to come out the gate swinging. Even with me doing this blogging challenge it’s a big push out my comfort zone. It’s because that’s the level that I’m at. I’ve been doing this for awhile now so I know my abilities. If you’re just starting try to start something small so that it isn’t overwhelming. This will help you be able to sustain it.

Be Around Like Minded People

One thing that I think is super important in life, is having a tribe that not only supports but motivates you as well. Thankfully I’ve found mine, and it’s continuing to grow with a few dope mothers I’ve connected with through social media. I saw this quote by Nipsey Hustle on social media that said “If you look at your circle and don’t get inspired then it’s not a circle it’s a cage.” It resonated with me because I truly believe that you should surround yourself with people that not only inspire you. But people who motivate you, people who are at a level you wish to attain. That way it helps you see that it’s possible to achieve your dreams.

I feel that sometimes we can surround ourselves with people we’ve known all our life because that’s what we’re used to. But just because you’ve known someone your entire life doesn’t mean that you are on the same path or even share the same dreams. I’m not saying to throw them away, what I’m saying is to ensure the people who you’re speaking to on a daily basis is in alignment with your goals.

Even if you guys don’t share the same dream. Your crew should, like you be focused on moving forward. Goal crushing and turning dreams into a reality. This will help you stay focused on your goals by being around them, they’ll challenge your thoughts and actions. Then be able to encourage and motivate you to try out new things.Because they know to get to the next level that you have to do things you haven’t done before.

Celebrate your wins

One thing as women especially us mothers we struggle with celebrating our success. It’s so funny that as I’m typing this very post up, a mom friend of mine just reminded me of this. We’re often afraid of our goals when we see them as too big and that leaves us stuck. Afraid to move forward because we’re afraid of failure.Afraid to venture into the unknown.

The funny thing about that is if you just sit down and think for a minute about all that you’ve accomplished. You’ll see that you’ve been pushed out of your comfort zone already. You’ve been pushed out of your comfort zone when you decided to further your education, when you became a mother. When you applied for that new position. Even if you’ve been laid off you’ve been pushed out of your comfort zone.

And that is something worth celebrating. Something that’s worth acknowledging. Something that you should be proud of. If it’s been awhile since someone told you this. I’m here to tell you, that I’m proud of you. That I believe in you and that your wildest dreams will come true if you keep at it.

You can read more about my journey with being uncomfortable in life here. When’s the last time you’ve been uncomfortable? Share your experience with me in the comments below!




  • Brittany

    This is such a great post. My inner voice is for sure a mean girl! It takes a lot to over come and push yourself out of the comfort of being stagnant or sticking to just the mom or wife role. But these are so good tips. I needed this!

  • Tai

    This was an amazing ready. I could see your wheels turning as you typed this with a smile.

  • Caressa

    I am getting uncomfortable by designating as much time as possible to my blog this month before I return back to work all while trying to watch my baby.

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