
Why my morning routine is sacred to me

Every morning I wake around 6am, grab my water bottle, and head to the kitchen to put on some coffee. After using the bathroom I usually spend 10-15 minutes with hubby talking and seeing him off to work. I make up my bed and then it’s me-time. Mornings in our house used to look like me laying in my bed pressing the snooze button until I couldn’t anymore. Then dragging myself out the bed going to get the kids ready while my husband slept until the very last minute. No one was happy.

I always envisioned the mornings I use to watch on tv. When mom would be cheery welcoming the kids with positive attitude and a plate full of pancakes. It’s the warmth that the tv moms have. I always wanted to be a mom like that.

A better morning, leads to a better day

As an educator I know how important it is for kids to have a good morning, it sets the entire precedence for the day. I knew I had to change the way I started my day so that not only me, but the rest of the household had better mornings. I’m a firm believe in modeling for my children what a healthy lifestyle looks like. Not just healthy physically, but emotionally and mentally as well.

I started getting up at least an hour and half before the rest of the household. In the beginning I was so sleepy and honestly didn’t know what to do with myself or the time. I quickly realized that I could fit in some of the things I enjoyed doing by myself. After 2 weeks of waking up early and pouring into myself. I started looking forward to my mornings. By the time hubby and the kids woke up. I was ready. Full of energy, feeling refreshed, and ready to deal with the morning meltdowns. This definitely made significant changes in our mornings and in the household. Everyone just seems more happy overall. I even have time to make simple breakfasts before we leave and the boys enjoy it.

More time for me

I’ll say this over and over again. Mothers need to ensure that they are on the top of their priority list. We give so much of our time and energy away to our children, significant others, families, and career. It’s important that some of that energy goes to us. That’s one of my favorite things about my morning routine.

It allows me the opportunity to spend time with myself. Doing the things I enjoy, having silence. Whatever it is I choose, Im able to do it. My first true love is reading. I don’t get a lot of time throughout the day to spend time reading, with my morning routine I can get in some quality reading time.

Depending on the day I do a variety of activities. Sometime I read my bible, meditate, blog, workout or work on some aspect of my business. Sometimes I just sit in silence listening to the birds chirp and other morning sounds. My mornings are my scared time and even though sometimes I have to sacrifice my sleep. What I get in return is so valuable

Not only am I feeling more fulfilled my family is getting the benefit of a happy mama. One that sings made up morning songs, cooks breakfast, and smiles more. Even though it’s summer time I still keep up with my morning routines. They’re now a lot longer than during the school year, because the boys don’t wake up as early. WINNING!

You can check out one of my other favorite routines here. But first do you have a morning routine? What are some things you enjoy doing during your morning routine? Let me know in the comments below.



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