
How to start a self-care routine

There are a few things that I take seriously in my day to day life. One of those being my self-care routine. Self-care for moms is so important not just for our sanity. But also our physical, mental, and emotional well-being. Often when I tell people that I’m a mom of two they’re in shock. Then when they find out the boys are almost teenager, they’re even more in awe.

I have to attribute this to my self-care routine. Not only do I show up for my boys, my household, and hubby. I show up for myself as well. I do things that make me feel good, and I do them often. One of my favorite ways to self-care is my doing, teaching, and buying makeup. You can read more about it here. My self-care routine also includes trying to new Rose, reading, exercising, journaling, and listening to music. These things are a part of my self-care routine because they are activities that I enjoy doing. Here’s 3 things to think about when creating your self-care routine.

What do you like to do?

Indulge in more self-care

This is a question that I struggled to answer a few years ago. I had no idea who I was or what I enjoyed after having the boys. I was lost in my motherhood and wife duties. So much so that I had no idea who Treanna was anymore. (You can read about it here) I had to figure out what brought me joy. Not what the Kids liked, not what hubby would like. What it was that fueled my passions and fed me. I had to sit with myself for a few and think but once I did, it was like the flood gates opened. I noticed a lot of my passions were things I throughly enjoyed as a child. Like reading & listening to music

Some of the stuff cam from later on in my life like my love for beauty and makeup. Figuring out these things helped me get really clear on what things I would incorpoaret into my self-care rotuine. If you’re not sure where to start answer these few questions to get you thinking:

What’s something I can do all day and never get bored?

When I have time to myself what do I want to do?

What are some things that interests me or want to learn more about?

Create a schedule

As moms having a schedule or routine is super important. It just makes everything so much easier. The same way you write down all of your kids appointments and activities do the same for your self-care routine. At the beginning of every week put you on your calendar. Whatever activities you’ve decided to do for that week pencil them in. If you decide that it’s better for you to wake up a few hours earlier or stay up a few hour later to get your self-care routine done. Do it! Whatever you decide put you on your to-do list and stick to it. The same way you don’t miss a doctor or dentist appointment for your kids. Don’t miss your self-care appointment.

Self-care routine means Self

Now that you know what self-care activities you’re going to do. You’ve added yourself into your calendar. It’s time for you to actually do it. This is when the mom guilt usually starts to kick in. A lot of mothers struggle with mom-guilt any time we decide to do something for ourselves. But your needs are important too. It’s impossible to pur from an empty cup. So when you ensure you make time for self-care it’s not only you showing up for you. It’s also you showing up for your family as you best self.

So give the kids the tablet for a few, let daddy, or a member of your tribe take care of the kids for a while. And you mama, go take care of you!

Do you have a self-care routine mama? Share it with me in the comments below.



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